Page name: Elwyne's Fanart [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-07-10 00:10:38
Last author: Elwyne
Owner: Elwyne
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This is the Magic Knight Fuu and the boy she likes Ferio. Fuu is the Magic Knight with wind powers. Ferio is a swordsman without magic but Princess Emeraude's little brother.

Another uncolored but this is the only magic swordsman and former captain of the guard Lantis. He only shows up in the second season and the main Magic Knight falls for him.

This is the last uncolored one and another picture of Fuu's boyfriend Ferio. This is his second season outfit he wore something a bit scruffier looking in the first season.

A picture from the first season of Magic Knights of Rayearth. This is Innova who's kneeling to his master Zagato the "bad guy" of the first season. Colored too!

This is the Master Mage Clef (and yes he really does have pink hair). He taught most of the magic users in Cephiro how to use their powers including the three Legendary Magic Knights... and also some of the "bad guys".

This is the Master Smith Presea who makes magic weapons including ones that can only be used by the ones they were made for. She has a bit of a bloodthirsty type attitude but is overall a very nice person... we can hope.

Ah here's one of the Magic Knights. This is Fuu Houoji (hoping I spelled her name correctly). Her magic is wind based and her main color is green. She does archery at school in her own world and her Rune God's dormant form looks like a griffon.

Another look at Ferio, but at least he's in color this time. He's wearing his first season scruffy outfit. This guy likes to make up stories but get's interested in Fuu when she can outwit him and tell the truth from the falsehoods.

And this is another of the Magic Knights. This is Umi Ryuzaki (again not sure of the spelling especially the last name). Her main color is blue and she uses water based magic. She fences at her school and her rune god looks like a blue dragon in his dormant form.

Here's another of Master Smith Presea. She's getting ready to make the special weapons for the Magic Knights. She doesn't need tools just a strong will. 

And the number one Magic Knight of Rayearth, this is Hikaru Shidou! She uses fire based magic and practices kendo in her parents dojo. She has three older brothers and no sisters. She's hyper active and rather short. Her main color is red and her rune god looks like a cross between a wolf and a lion.

Here's Umi again asleep in the magical Mokona tent. Well... it wasn't really a tent exactly but it's rather hard to describe the little... whatever it was they slept in.

Here's another look at Princess Emeraude. Isn't she cute? But don't be decieved by her childlike look, she's actually a few hundred years old and extremely powerful.

This is Ascot. He's a little boy that summons monsters and works for Lord Zagato.

Here is Caldina. She's a dancer and an illusionist and also works for Lord Zagato. I had a hard time getting her mouth to look right and I'm not sure it came out properly here either. She's not actually from Cephiro at all but another country which you don't find out which until you watch the second season of Magic Knights of Rayearth. It explains why she talks with a southern accent.

Last one from the first season of the series. Here is Fuu in her third level armor. I rather like it myself. Didn't manage to get the really cool armor they all get when they've gathered all the rune gods and are going to fight Zagato.

Finished color drawing of Princess Emeraude from the second season. She's praying for the protection of her world from "outside invaders".

And here is the first (and only) colored drawing from the second season. Not that you can tell really. This is Hikaru again I think it's right after she first meets Lantis. ;p

Inuyasha when he's been shot by Kikyo and pinned to the sacred tree before falling asleep for 50 years. (Sort of a backwards sleeping beauty thing)

Inuyasha and Kagome after they have to fight of a bunch of demon hair that followed Kagome and Inuyasha back through the well into Kagome's world. Inuyasha just put his "robe of the fire rat" over Kagome's head to protect her. Awwwwww... sweeeeet!!!

Inuyasha after saving Kagome from a monster in her own world. He looks like he's posing on purpose doesn't he?

A picture of Inuyasha during the new moon when he turns into an ordinary human... for a night. He get's a bit moody too.

A picture of little Shippo when he first meets Inuyasha and Kagome. His father just died so he's a little upset.

And here is Sango and Kirara (though they say it like Kilala in the english dub). I think this is actually from one of the flashbacks of before they met Inuyasha and the others, but I can't really remember. Sorry, no pics of Miroku. Sorry Knight.

Heeeeerrrrre's Goku! As a child with a tail!

And a young teenage Bulma... if I remember correctly it's right after Goku told her that his Grandpa told him always to be nice to girls.

Goku again! This time he's riding on Bulma's motercycle in pursuit of a pterodactyl or some other flying monster.

Angry Bulma. And yes all these are done in crayon. I told you some of my earlier practice drawings were. I didn't have color pencils at the time... or rather I only had a variety of maybe 12 colors which wasn't nearly enough.

The very first appearance of the shape-shifting pig named Oolong.

Yamcha the desert bandit... who's afraid of girls! (laughs hysterically)

Look, it's Chi-chi as a child! Be grateful I didn't put her full length up there. She isn't wearing something I'd ever put a little girl in. Still, she's cute!

And Chi-chi again. This time Goku said something that made her angry and she throws him off the flying nimbus. See? She can ride it too!

Bulma again. I like her hair in this one!

Krillin... or however his name was properly spelled. He's escaped from the temple where he used to work, and has come to Master Roshi for training.

Last picture. This is Goku and Krillin in their brand spanking new uniforms from Master Roshi before going the the World's Martial Arts Tournament for the first time.

Genjo Sanzo the droopy eyed preist with his holy scripture draped across his shoulders. He's a preist that drinks and smokes and swears and carries a gun as well. The only ordinary human of his "group".

Cho Hakkai, he has a pet dragon that turns into a jeep. He killed a thousand demons while trying to rescue his beloved and became a demon himself. Because he was a murderer Sanzo had to capture him, but he was given a new name and a new life. He says he's heartless, but he's the most polite and intelligent of the "group".

Sha Gojyo (at least I think that's how his name was spelled), he's a perv and a womanizer. He's a half human, half demon. All half breed are considered cursed and are marked by having red eyes and red hair. He lives his life by gambling and womanizing. His mother... or rather his step mother tried to kill him and left him a scar on his face, but his brother killer her instead.

Son Goku, the feisty and ever hungry little monkey. He looks to be the youngest of the group, but is actually several hundred years old at least. He was trapped in a mountain for most of his life and doesn't remember why. Sanzo was the one who rescued him, and Goku has never left his side since. Even though Sanzo get's teased about his "pet monkey".

Goku freaking out after Sanzo got hurt and his power limiter shattered. He turns into quite a scary demon, as opposed to his usual very childlike and sweet personality. 

Back to Elwyne's Art (such as it is)

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2010-12-04 [Elwyne]: (wishing my brain worked a bit more like that) it's difficult when my brain goes blank and all I can say is basically random nonsense.

2010-12-04 [KnightAngel]: I can only imagine, like said mine think of many things to say at once, of course sometimes so many and so many bad ones it still takes me a while to find something to say back but yeah ^^

2010-12-04 [Elwyne]: I can only think of the right thing to say when I'm finally alone again. Then I can think straight and realize how much of what I heard was nonsense from them as well.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Yeah, but we all react differently in various situations, at times I did wish I would just keep my big mouth closed instead XD

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: I just wish I could think when I'm under pressure. All I can do in those situations is hurt... and I can't do anything to stop it one way or the other.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: *hugs* I wish I could help you with that but at least one thing is that you don't end up possibly blabber something out that might really hurt the other person ^^

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: well that's true, but that doesn't stop them doing the same thing to me... over... and over... and over... and... well you get the point.

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: Nevermind... so who's your favorite character in Magic Knights so far?

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: Fuu, definitely Fuu, not that Ascot or Lantis isn't cool but of the knights themselves I'd go for Fuu, otherwise the three knight's knights I suppose you can call them, after all must not forget Ferio, think he's my second most favorite character :P

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: I thought you'd like Ferio the most... I think I like Fuu the most too. She's got an interesting way of thinking, plus I like birds and her full knight outfit. 

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Really looks cool and very elegant as well and yeah he is probably the best of the male characters, then I think Lantis and Ascot :P

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: Hrmmm... surprized you don't like Eagle up there somewhere. He's not really all that bad.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: True, well if some things hadn't happened I would also have liked him better, true he died a warrior's death but one thing I thought with him was that since he knew he was dying, shouldn't he wish to die with a good conscience? XD

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: (thinks about it) I think you may have a point there. Interesting tidbit... I made your first picture of D'aron Mirshaan by borrowing Eagle and Lantis's sad eyes. You might be able to spot the style similarity.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm, now that you mention it, I do :P And yeah about him, he states he wants to decide how he dies and such, shouldn't he then right from the start wish to die knowing he hadn't done something to regret, of course true he did make up for those things but yeah when he knew he would cause poor Hikaru heartgrief and since it obviously bothered him shouldn't he avoided it then? XD

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: You're probably right, I guess it didn't occur to him at all. Still, he was trying to do right by his country which was dieing.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: *nods* That's true and well he did do it for his country, but still shouldn't he still wish exactly then that others would view his country as an honorable one in that case XD

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: maybe, but he admitted to being selfish on his true wish.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: *nods and smiles* True, well either way it was awesome and good way they twisted him from trying to just take the "system" for his world they choose to work together if it was so ^^ After all he was a sort of nice guy if perhaps stubborn and was doing it to save his people so it was not a sudden change of heart like some other animes can on occasion make ^^

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: (nods) Magic Knights is definitely unique in some ways. How many anime do you know where there aren't any real bad guys? Or end up turning bad guys into good guys? (depending on how you look at it)

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: Caldina is also one of my favorites... she's funny!

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm..... Can't think of one anyway and well she's fun, but something about her dress in the second season.... Just too revealing ^^ Doesn't really fit her I think, the other was more her style, revealing but not overly so :P

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: yeah, I agree. I don't really like overly revealing outfits myself. (you could probably guess that from looking at my art) But I still think she's a very funny character.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: Yeah that much is true, still sort of the sight in second season didn't give me much interest in seeing her much, didn't mind hearing her funny remarks and such but yeah ^^'

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: I liked when Ascot was accidentally smothering her when he was trying to keep her from telling Umi how he felt.

2010-12-05 [KnightAngel]: Hehe, yeap that one was really fun XP Thought it was sweet with her and Lafarga together, really thought she deserved that, but also still thought that Ascot should be Umi's sweetheart instead of Clef... Which I still don't get, when the heck did she start growing those feelings? As said if anyone was then I thought it was Hikaru, really thought that she was getting a liking for exactly Ascot with how they talked in the first season and such ^^

2010-12-05 [Elwyne]: yeah, I was totally confused by that too. I thought Ascot would be more her style but then she fell for Clef... I thought maybe the little girl that Lantis and Hikaru were both talking to... what was her name again?... Mira? Ascot and her might be cute together, and he could go back to his normal age.

2010-12-06 [KnightAngel]: That might be, who knows but yeah either way it went as it went and that's that, also when did she even start getting feelings for Clef? I mean just suddenly there is this idea that she likes Clef o.o

2010-12-06 [Elwyne]: I have no clue, she just seemed to pick it up out of nowhere, but then she's the only one of the three that couldn't say anything near the end. 

2010-12-06 [KnightAngel]: *nods* That's true enough and yeah she did seem to just have those feelings, right? Oh well, even so it was an awesome show and kind of wanted to know how it went with.... Damn forgot her name (Presea's twin) and Clef, since she also was quite infatuated with the master mage :P

2010-12-08 [Elwyne]: yeah, Umi, Presea, and Sierra were all in love with Clef. Couldn't tell ya why though. Hrmm... Are you intending to watch the OAV version of the Magic Knights series?

2010-12-08 [KnightAngel]: I'd like to, only have to find it first in that case though XD

2010-12-08 [Elwyne]: Clef is an adult in that one... well he LOOKS like an adult. Ferio actually starts off as a bad guy, and... oh Eagle is actually Emeraude's brother.

2010-12-08 [KnightAngel]: Damn, okay that sounds like there is a great deal of changes in that one o.o

2010-12-08 [Elwyne]: Oh and it takes place in Tokyo instead of Cephiro. And Umi, Fuu, and Hikaru go to the same school.

2010-12-08 [KnightAngel]: Cool, but yeah sounds like there is enormous changes there from the other one XD

2010-12-08 [Elwyne]: yup, and it's a bit more serious and less funny, but it's still very good.

2010-12-08 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Okay, well hope I find it then ^^

2010-12-08 [Elwyne]: I'm sure you'll find it.

2010-12-08 [KnightAngel]: *hugs* I hope I will, sounds interesting to watch ^^

2010-12-09 [Elwyne]: well, I liked it... not quite as much as the regular series but... (shrugs) it's still pretty good.

2010-12-09 [KnightAngel]: Okay, sounds really great, I so hope to find it!!! ;_; XD

2010-12-09 [Elwyne]: (laughs) I wonder what of my fanart stuff I should try to put up here next? I got so much. I only have black and white and only a couple pictures from Saiyuki. I have a bunch of Digimon pictures and in color though. I've got Outlaw Star, but although I got them colored and all they're some of my earlier practice so not altogether... well there are some that look a little warped. I've got Gundam Wing, and Dragonball pictures as well as Dragonball Z. (thinks) Some Sailor Moon actually but not many, Pilot Candidate, Oh! I got some Inuyasha pics too!

2010-12-09 [KnightAngel]: Ooooohhh... So much to choose from XP Well go with a classic, Inuyasha perhaps and then perhaps dragonballs (no did not just watch a video about the "Over 9000!!" joke XD So not at all influenced by that)

2010-12-09 [Elwyne]: (confused cuz never heard of "Over 9000" joke thing) Um... ok Inuyasha and Dragonballs will be next. Not immediately but when I get to it.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: oh, I got some Trigun here too... (continues to look for pictures in book of fanart) oh, and there's Wolf's Rain... Gundam Seed... one pic for Samurai X... Blue Seed... ok, here's Inuyasha pics

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (starts going through book again after uploading all Inuyasha pictures) Let's see... one pic of Yugi... pics from DNA Sights! Oh I don't remember drawing those... There's Yu Yu Hakusho... A picture or two from Ronin Warriors...08th MS Team... Cute! I got Card Captors... There's DragonballZ pictures so right in front of them should be... Yup Dragonballs.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: I'll put those in a little later, maybe after the kids are in bed.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (flips through book some more) There's Gundam Wing, and... Sailor Moon... some Tenchi... mostly of Ryoko though. I found her a very interesting type of character... Outlaw star... and Digimon... that's about it. I have a whole bunch of Digimon from the first few seasons. 

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* That's quite a lot and love Trigun, Vash is so hilarious XD Wolf's rain is really beautiful and Card Captor is cute, odd but cute, is it Kenshin with Samurai X or Rurouni Kenshin as it's also known as some places :P

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Yeah I know, but the movie said Samurai X and that's where I drew the one picture from. I didn't get many pictures of Wolf's Rain, but I do have a few from Trigun. I loved Card Captors though so I have a lot of pics from that.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Do you like my Inuyasha's?

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Yeah, I think that's the english name for it, not sure though but yeah at least the series that I downloaded from a site called it Rurouni Kenshin (wandering samurai Kenshin) And Trigun is awesome and about the inuyasha ones then they're awesome, looks like the creator themselves created it ^^

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (grins) thank you! Yeah the series here is called Rurouni Kenshin. It's just I got the picture from the movie though... Well one of the movies.

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Love the art!

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: thank you! It's still going up. Any requests from my fan art list?

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ca you draw a picture of InuYasha and Kagome kissing?

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: um... this is all directly from something I saw on the t.v. I don't really make the characters do something that they haven't actually done. Hrmmm... although I'll admit to having turned guys into girls, or making kids look a bit older, and also shoving two similar characters into the same picture. I suppose I could try.

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: They did kiss in the anime.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (blinks) I must have missed that one then. Are you sure? Oh wait! I remember... one of the movies when he'd turned into a full demon cuz of that mirror princess or whatever. I remember. I only seen it once though.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Krillin* or Kuririn in japanese XP

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: I think I'll put Krillin then... easier for me.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles and nods* Yeah, that would also be the way that I'd write it, but yeah original is kuririn XD

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (sigh) you can tell the Dragonballs one's are older cuz of the paper color. I was using old printer paper for a long time after we switched from a printer that had to have those rip off sides with holes all along the length. It was so old it yellowed.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: yeah, I think I saw that which is why I got so confused about Krillin's name.

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, his eyes turned red and he got these weird purple things like scratches on his face and Kagome ran up to him and kissed him, I think it happened in the anime too not just the movie.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Hrmm... can't remember them doing anything but occasionally hugging in the anime. Unless you mean the "Final Act" or whatever it's called which is the series that come's AFTER "Inuyasha" ends.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Just cause... I'm going to put up the black and whites I drew from Saiyuki.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Been a while since I saw Inuyasha so can unfortunately not really tell in this case ^^

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well I might be thinking of the movie.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (nods) same here... I don't think I ever got the chance to see it from beginning to end, but I have seen the majority of the series... It just kinda dragged on and only came on the t.v. in spurts so I had a hard time keeping up. Much as I loved it.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Okay, yeah for my part then I did see it from beginning to end, but yeah hard not to when you watch it on your own schedule and own comp XP

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ha-Ha-HAKKAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *drools a river*

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: I should probably watch it that way on my comp if I can, but I'd have to find all the episodes on Youtube and they'd have to stay put until I finished.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: I take it Misty is a Hakkai fan?

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: *nods* YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: sorry, so far I only have one picture and it's in black and white. I'll see if I can get a few more up later. (This one I DO have on DVD, well only part of it though)

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: YAY! *huggles Elwyne*

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (laughs) glad I can do something to make you happy. You want pictures of Hakuryu too?

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: YES!

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: That's all the Saiyuki I have so far anyway.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Thinking I may go to bed. I've been up a while, and it's my birthday tomorrow. Although I already got all the presents I'm gonna get probly... two pairs of pajamas... which Natalie also got a pair though it isn't her birthday. Kinda makes me feel special... and they're also my Christmas present's as well. (snort)

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Wow... 40 fan art pictures so far... a couple hundred or so more to go... (evil laughter)

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (giggles) not till tomorrow, but thank you!

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: :D

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (thinks) the only Inuyasha I have is the first few episodes... up to the first half of Yura of the hair, but not the second half. I also have one movie. The lost island one.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: For Saiyuki I have two dvd's of the series and one movie. 

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: I've seen all of the episodes of Saiyuki.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: me too, on youtube. I also saw the reloaded and gunlock series that followed it. Again on youtube. They never made it to the west though.

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: I saw the reloaded one.

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Did you see Hakkai take off his power limiter? They only showed his back though. (sigh) I liked his demon mark. Like vines all over. Wish they'd showed him from the front.

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know! *sighs*

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: That would have been interesting to see. I mean I enjoyed it when Goku went out of control, that was pretty cool. It would have been nice to REALLY see Hakkai like that.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: *blink blink* ^_^

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: You've never seen Saiyuki I know. I put some pictures up... (points) They're black and white though. Gojyo is the one I used as a model for your Nong En Li picture.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: *nods* I'm downloading now though, reloaded but still :P And well he looks really badass and yeah love the way Nong turned out ^_^

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: There's the origonal series which is just Saiyuki, then there's Reloaded, followed by Gunlock. My favorite is plain Saiyuki though. I have... (thinks and counts) um... actually I have the equivalent of four discs from the origonal series I think because I got two boxes from the doubles because they have two discs in them. And the Movie "Saiyuki: Requiem for the One Not Chosen"

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Okay, yea on the page i download from then i could only find reloaded and reloaded gunlock ^^

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: oh... well let me see something real quick... (goes to fetch dvd's from room)

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: wish there was some way I could send these to you... I've got... 18 episodes. Can't find anything that might help you find them though.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Okay, well maybe I can find them on another side, I'll have a look at least :P

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: My favorite part is the last picture in the group I have up. When Goku get's really mad and his power limiter shatters. He goes seriously scary from his usual sweet childlike self.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Kind of remind me of another character from another anime... Just don't recall which XD

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Dragonball Z? (another version of Goku)

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: I've only seen Saiyuki Reloaded.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... Some might have similarities to that one but the way he looks in that last one reminds me of another anime.... Some demon that has turned good and helps mankind and thereby a nun that is a exorcist or something along those lines XD

2010-12-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Trinity Blood?

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: Hrmm... haven't seen that one.

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Not that one and well he's not really a demon, more a machinemodified human, well nanomachine but still :P And well in that one then Abel Nightroad is himself a priest, the one I think of then the character is really a demon that helps a nun ^^

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: (blink blink) I don't think I understood all of that...

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: It's a character from Trinity blood, a priest named Abel Nightroad is a wandering priest for the vatican sort of and he is also a "Crusnik" a human injected with Nanomachines that enables him to have wicked cool powers and to suck the blood of "vampires" or Methuselah as they call themselves who also are humans that was injected with nanomachines on the population attempt on mars where apparently life already had been or something like that, only four crusnik exist, Abel Nightroad, Cain, Seth and Lilith.... Well actually the last one is dead, killed by Cain but either way then they were not the ones I was thinking of, even if Abel Nightroad ends up helping one nun in particular as she is a semi main character of sorts

2010-12-10 [Elwyne]: interesting... maybe I'll watch that one if I can find it in english dub

2010-12-10 [KnightAngel]: Okay, good luck, you know my preference with animes but yeah that's me :P

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: well we're sort of exchanging anime ideas. You know there's one set that I like and have on DVD that I need to actually draw a bit from. Although that one has it's occasional... twistedness it's overall still a very good anime. Fushigi Yuugi!

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: *blinks and grins* Meant language way but yeah, don't think I've even heard of that one o.o

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: well, it's a very interesting story. Would you like to hear a little about it? And the language in Saiyuki is pretty bad, but the language in Fushigi Yuugi... not so bad. Maybe every now and then there's something but not much that I noticed.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Meant more like that you want english dub and I want at most english sub XD That part :P

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Oh and yeah I would like to hear about it ^^

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: ooops! (giggles and the language misunderstanding). Fushigi Yuugi is about a book actually. A very special book. It's a spell that takes to form of a book. The book is supposed to grant the reader her wishes after she finishes reading the book, only the book becomes real after the first page is turned.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Cool, got me reminded of another one, except there it was more of the genie in the book that granted wishes and such, a guy who turned into a girl, the girl who was into him without him noticing sort of still got a certain attraction to him/her and of course suddenly a bunch of people that's purely attracted to his/her good looks but aren't bad people and also honestly want to help her/him XD

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: Two girls from... Jr. High I think are trying to pass the entrance exams to go to the High School of their choice. One girl is a feisty red-head who isn't really all that smart, but she has a good heart and is quite strong. She get's into trouble at school a lot because she's always hungry, falls asleep in class, and get's into a lot of fights. The other girl is her best friend. A blonde girl who's a genius, she's also a nice girl herself, but more the goody type who never get's into trouble. The first girl is Miaka and the second girl is Yui.

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: (what anime was that you're talking about? That one sounds... WEIRD. I like!)

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: Anyway the two girls go to the library for Yui to return a book and Miaka waits for her, but while she's waiting she hears a bird call and flapping and follows the sound to a restricted reading room. There she finds the book "The World of the Four Gods". Yui catches up to her and even though it's in Chinese, Yui starts reading and translating it for Miaka. Then the book starts glowing red and they both get transported into the world of the book.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Tenshi na Konamaiki is the name of that one and well the guy who gets turned into a girl is a... Recca type, always gets into fights for trying to protect his friend who happens to be a girl who has a secret crush on him even with his "rambo" style as she calls it XD He's the best fighter around and respected for it, not feared cause he doesn't bully people, only save her mostly or otherwise if someone picks a fight with him, gets turned into a girl then have to adjust to that with quite some awkward moments and yeah of course the friend just keeps growing more fond of him/her XD The graphics aren't super great but they're still worth watching and the story is fun and entertaining ^^

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Ooohhh.... Me want to see now :P

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: That's all in the first episode by the way... The goal of the story is that Miaka is the "Priestess of Suzaku" and musst save Conaan (the country she found herself in) from destruction by the neighboring country of Kuto. To do so she must first find the seven celetial warriors and summon Suzaku to grant her wishes. The problem is... Yui ended up being sent back to the real world not long after showing up. She reads about Miaka for a while and then when Miaka finds a way back to the real world, Yui gets pulled in to replace her. So Yui becomes the enemy priestess the "preistess of Seriyuu" and then something bad happens to her which she blames on Miaka. Of course there's the usual romantic problems. Miaka is in love with one of her warriors named Tomahome, but Yui loves Tomahome as well... and another of Miaka's warriors who's actually the emperor of Conaan loves Miaka too. Then yet another of Miaka's warriors is in love with the emperor. Nuriko... who's actually a guy but dresses, sounds, and looks like a woman. He only did it becuase his younger sister died and he wanted to keep her alive in his own way.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Ohhhh!!!! Found it on the site i download from too!!! So going to download after getting Saiyuki Reloaded ^^

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: That one sounds interesting... must take a look at it!

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm, sounds very strange.... I am loving it! XD

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: Miroku is in Fushigi Yuugi too... sorta

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: well a monk named Chichiri is, and he's pretty fun

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: hrmm... found the one you said... haven't listened to it yet but I think the english dub version is called... Cheeky Angel?

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: That sounds about right I think ^^

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: eyah, I found the one who gave me the name for first, and then it led me to Cheeky Angel which started in the same manner... I'm just hoping it really will be english dub because I can't put my head set on and listen until the childer are in bed.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Okay, in that case I hope for you too that it is :P

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: I hope that you enjoy Fushigi Yuugi the way I do!

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: I am sure I will :P

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: Shoot! (pouts) they don't have an english dub version. Well... I suppose I've suffered through the subs for ones I liked a couple of times before, so I guess I'll try for this one which sounds so interesting. (sigh) still wish I could find and english dub though.

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: Have to go to the doctor's early tomorrow so I'm getting off for tonight anyway.

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: Shugo Chara... the only anime I actually watched in eng sub without being too bothered by it.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: *hugs* Okay, you try and have a good time with the docs, without that intentionally sounding perverted and well yeah for my part then Inuyasha and Hellsing was watchable despite the english dub XD Not that I mind english, but just feels wrong in an anime to not watch it in japanese for me XD

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: yeah, I have a hard time though. I prefer to be able to listen to the voices and watch the images instead of having to watch for both.

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: Watched the first episode though... what a riot! It was hilarious! And him freaking out like that at the end cuz the guy tried to kiss him and him saying he's afraid of guys!

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Cool and well I do both, listen to the voices and watch the images, but yeah I really like the sound of the japanese, language and the tone itself.... I think it's so awesome :P They usually really live themselves into the role, a hard part for many dubs as far as I have noticed o.o

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: I suppose in some cases. I don't particularly like the sound of the Japanese versions myself... at least not at the cheesy parts. They make it sound worse to me. Ah well. Still this one is funny!

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Okay and well I like it a bit cheesy and corny XD

2010-12-11 [~Crimson Angel~]: Wow, I missed a lot.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Well mostly anime talk and suggestions of such, oh yeah Saiyuki is in english dub ;_;

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Hmmmm... Thought Saiyuki seemed familiar, it's loosely based on "Journey to the West" :P

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Okay, first episode was in english and second is in japanese, what the duce? o.o

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: (shrugs) I have the DVD which has either version available. Yep it's based on Journey to the West, but with a rather modernish twist to things.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Yeah I've noticed :P And well other than the first episode then the rest is in japanese :P So I'm good XD

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: oh good, too bad I wasn't as lucky with the Cheeky Angel... only in reverse.

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: Okay, yeah I hope you find it in english, it's odd but rather amusing and well the style itself is not that bad :P

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: I like it so far, even though I'm watching the subs. I certainly get to laugh watching. That guy needs to make up his mind. Does he want to be a guy or a girl... and stick with it!

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Yeah, then again having turned out to be a girl all of the sudden got to have felt weird XD Not easy thing to set your mind around :P

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: he didn't even NOTICE at first! His friend had to grab his chest and say he was a girl before he noticed! I honestly can't beleive she did that either!

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Yeah, that was fun and well old habits die hard, being a guy all one's life makes one take things for granted I suppose XD Well as a guy then yeah that part can only be sort of.... Amusing, shall we keep it at that? XD

2010-12-11 [Elwyne]: oh geez

2010-12-11 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Well I can't help it, I'm a dude and well it's one of the things that we're kind of famous for, perversion XD And for taking things for granted then meant the part about not generally having much on our chest area but instead something in another area XD

2010-12-12 [Elwyne]: I see... definitely perverted. I don't usually think of that sort of thing, but I won't say I haven't heard stuff like that before.

2010-12-12 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Well did say only amusing about that and well also stated for us males then it's a general stereotype that we only think with that bodypart XD

2010-12-23 [Elwyne]: yeah, so I've heard. And they say women are too emotional at the same time.

2010-12-24 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Yeah, stereotypes can be fun if you want to look at it that way and not try and think that it is exactly that XP

2010-12-24 [Elwyne]: stereotypes are fun to make fun of!

2010-12-24 [KnightAngel]: *nods* exactly what I meant XP Oh and found Saiyuki the normal one :P

2010-12-24 [Elwyne]: oh good! Are you enjoying... whatever you've watched since I was last here?

2010-12-24 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... I think mostly it was about watching exactly all the Saiyuki versions, gotten around to seeing Reloaded, Reloaded Gunlock and now is going on with the normal one since I finally found it, in dual language :P

2010-12-24 [Elwyne]: (laughs) ok, and have you seen any of Fushigi Yuugi yet? 

2010-12-25 [KnightAngel]: Haven't been able to find it yet ;_;

2010-12-25 [KnightAngel]: Now I have and is just waiting for it all to be down, then I'll go on with the other versions and the OVA ^^

2010-12-26 [Elwyne]: OVA's come after and they have a particular order. Be careful to get them straight or it could be confusing. Hope you enjoy watching!

2010-12-26 [KnightAngel]: *nods* I intend to watch them in the right order :P

2010-12-26 [Elwyne]: good! I hope very much that you enjoy them, I'm enjoying the cheeky angel that you told me. It's funny, and I can't beleive she jumped off of a moving train!

2010-12-27 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Good to hear and yeah I am sure I will :P We seem to have fairly matching taste in anime XP

2010-12-27 [KnightAngel]: Oh yeah, Son Goku is really scary when his limiter gets off, cool but still also scary ^^

2010-12-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: ELWYNE IS BACK! *glomps*

2010-12-27 [KnightAngel]: *nods and joins the glomping* Yeap! And that is goood ^_^

2010-12-28 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2010-12-29 [Elwyne]: (is startled and being double glomped upon but very happy) Hello to you too! Goku losing his limiter is one of my favorite parts.

2010-12-29 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeppers.

2010-12-29 [KnightAngel]: Yeah, thought sort of funny at one time when Sanzo just knocks him out with a knee in his gut after Gojyo and Hakkai have tried their best but gotten knocked to the ground each time and nearly killed XP I mean if I was there I would be like "What the.... How come he can do it and I can't, that damn bald monk..." XD

2010-12-30 [Elwyne]: yeah, Sanzo has a special bond with Goku.

2010-12-30 [KnightAngel]: Yeah, it can be sensed many times :P But it's quite cute ^^ Add a nicer side to Sanzo other than his otherwise unpleasant attitude that still is kind of awesome XP

2010-12-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeppers

2010-12-31 [Elwyne]: I agree. I love Saiyuki. I'm going to vanish for a while again guys. I'm borrowing my mother's computer tonight but I can't count on being able to do so again, and I don't know when I'll be getting my computer again. The last time I let Keith "fix" my computer it was gone for six months and then I found it stripped and he claimed that everything had been broken.

2010-12-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: What happened to it?

2010-12-31 [Elwyne]: well... it was a peice of crap with no graffix or memory and I'm supposed to be getting something put in to fix that.

2010-12-31 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm, well memory is quite easy, even I can do that and graphic well that's a whole new graphic card then o.o

2011-01-01 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.

2011-01-13 [Elwyne]: got no graphic card at all in here... one was bought for me but I'm still waiting for it to get put in.

2011-01-13 [KnightAngel]: Oh well, oh by the way is watching Fushigi Yuugi now as well :P

2011-01-13 [Elwyne]: Are you liking it?

2011-01-13 [KnightAngel]: Yeah, though it's starting to turn over towards the more sad parts now ;_; Poor Nuriko got killed <.<

2011-01-13 [Elwyne]: oh yeah, that part made me cry. But it was interesting to see what his dream was near the end. What life would have been like if he'd been dating Miyaka in her world. I'm afraid there's still worse stuff to come. It get's even sadder.

2011-01-13 [KnightAngel]: Yeah I got the feeling from the show that this was only the beginning, after all Nuriko was sort of one of the partially main characters by my book, the third celestial warrior she find and within very short time so yeah he/she got a lot of airtime so you could get to know the character better, yet he dies first, so that means that this ain't over yet ;_;

2011-01-13 [KnightAngel]: I also quite like the dream by the way, odd how he know everything about Miaka's world but even so the images themselves were sweet and nice, adding lot more emotion to what actually happened

2011-01-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: ELWYNE!

2011-02-11 [Elwyne]: Sorry, computer troubles... and been busy even after it got fixed. Still am...

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